Titans Tower
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Welcome to the Teen Titans secret Hideout!
Wait, you're not supposed to be here, this is private!

Raven: Hey, how'd you get in here?
Me: Well, I found the secret page...
Raven: Get out, we're on beak!
BB: Chill Raven, the dude stays.
Raven: Don't make me send you to another dimension!
Robin: Guys, he found the secret hangout room, that means he's allowed to stay.
Me: Thanks Robin.
Cyborg: Yo, new dude, up for some waffles?
Me: Uh, ok!

Starfire: Oh, is he not precious? *hugs to death* Oops
Me: Help! She'd squeezing me to death!
Starfire: Oh, sorry. I did not know you earth folk were so fragile.
Me: Well Now you know.
Robin: So, how do you like our tower?
Me: It's rocks!
Raven: Stay out of my room.
BB: *steals raven's book* Hmm the book of Azar? What the heck is that?
Raven: Azarath Metrion Zinthos! *throws couch at BB*
Me: to violent. I'm leaving....
All *except raven* Bye!

Things started to get very akward in there, so I decided to leave. (So much for finding the secret page.)  But anyways, I hade fun hanging out with the Titans.  See you later! And good job on finding the secret page.
---Admin Robin

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