Robin:Whoa, what a weird picture, I look...
Raven:Tell me then.
Robin:No, I wasn't talking to you.
Raven:Actually Robin, I belive that you were
Robin:Well....I wasn't, so get outta here!
Raven:I don't have to, this is my room.
Robin:What? What are you-...ok, how did I get in here?
Raven:*smiles*Oh I don't know. *walks away*
Robin:I must be goin crazy!

Umm...Ok...I must be daydreaming because I'm just staring off into space. This is kinda embarasing! I want
to know who put this here!
Robin:Did you put this here?
Raven:I have no idea what you are talking about.
Robin:Oh I think you do!
Raven:...Fine, I did do it
Robin:And why?
Raven:I felt like it, got a problem with that?
Robin:Umm, yeah!
Raven:Well thats just to darn bad!
Raven:Now, Im leaving, I have to meditate

Ok... I am really sweaty. I must be nervous about something. I forget what
*BB walks into room*
BB:Hey Robin
Robin:*covers picture up fast*Uhh, hi.
BB:What yah got there?
BB:Umm, behind your back.
Robin:Oh, this? It's nothing.
BB:Come on let me see
Robin:Oh, you don't want to see this.
BB:Yes I do, come on!!!
Robin:*Puts picture into the shredder*Oops, I accidently "dropped" the picture into the shredder, oh well.
BB:Darn it!